Monitoring for sustainable and effective results

Many Government Organizations (GO), Non Government Organizations (NGO), Business Organiazations and international Aid Agencies work in many countries for social and economical development. There are various types of projects and programs implemented for developing the socio-economic conditions of those countries, especially in developing and under developed countries. Since hundreds of years, the development agencies have been working in many countries only for doing various development issues. Thousands of projects-programs already implemented, many are running now and many projects will also run in future.
Many international Aid and Donor organizations give money, equipments, mental and physical labors etc to the GOs and NGOs for doing proposed and assigned development projects. Some of the foreign assistances are donation and others as debt. By getting those assistances, every GO and NGO try to successfully implement those projects.

But what are the outcomes? Maybe there are no sustainable results!!!!!!
There are several types of implementing body including monitoring cells in every NGO, Go, Business Organization and Aid Agency.  Every organ of those organizations works for successfully completes the projects. Years after years, as many as projects have implemented and as much as money spent for those projects, but there are very few real sustainable outcomes which are successful to develop the project related society and objects.
If most of the projects have gained sustainable results then the whole scenario of the world (especially in the related countries) obviously go to positively changed.
But what are the problems?
Maybe there are some problems in the monitoring and supervision processes. Presently, everyone talk about the result based monitoring. But I want to put maximum emphasis into the sustainable result based monitoring and supervision.
If our monitoring and supervising authorities (Aid & Donor Orgs) aim to achieve sustainable result by their projects and appoint their monitoring teams to monitor and observe the projects works and cooperate the implementing authority to touch the project goals and gaining effective and sustainable results then the implementing authority (GO & NGO) really try to work for achieving the best result.  And the whole scenario of the project related countries and peoples will be obviously gone to positively changes. The target people and areas, also the assisting and implementing authority enjoy the best and effective results of those projects.
Learning from the previous experiences and outcomes, every Aid & Donor organization, also the implementing authority (GO & NGO) should rethink about their monitoring process. It is very much essential to rearrange their monitoring and supervision processes and works for achieving the sustainable and effective results.
Isn’t it ??????
